First-Gen Coffee & Community Kick-Off: Career & Wellness Grad Student Breakfast

Event Status
cup of coffee

Join the Office of Career and Life Design and the Graduate School for breakfast tacos, coffee and conversations with campus partners.  Facilitators will lead small group wellness conversations on topics like growing from failure, disability/accessibility on campus, imposter syndrome, work/life balance and cultivating belonging. 

When: Thursday November 7th, 9-11am

Where: FAC 2.138

Facilitators include: Disability Cultural Center, Counseling and Mental Health Center, Texas LEAD and Longhorn Wellness Center.

What: Conversation, campus resources, coffee and delicious breakfast tacos!

All conversations will be relaxed in an open format, where you are welcome to jump from one conversation to another when you like.

There will also plenty of time for you to socialize and connect, with open space for you to sit and meet other First-Gen grad students and post-docs.

This will be a great opportunity to meet fellow first-generation advanced degree students, learn from campus partners, and expand your on-campus network.

Register on Handshake

Date and Time
Thursday, Nov. 7, 2024, 9 to 11 a.m.