What you’ll get out of it
PhDs can and do find fulfilling work in a wide array of careers, both inside and outside the academy. But how do YOU figure out which career path is right for you? Join Beyond the Professoriate to learn how to construct your Optimal Career Pathway, a metric that will let you determine which kinds of jobs will provide you with meaningful, intellectually challenging work.
Join us on October 4th at 11 a.m. CT where you will learn how to use the PhD Career Training Platform as part of your job search.
After attending this presentation, you’ll learn:
Which career path is right for me: academic or non-academic?
What non-academic careers could ever offer me the same flexibility and intellectual challenge as an academic career?
How do I search for non-academic jobs if I’ve been in academia for a while now?
What resources does Beyond the Prof’s training platform have that can help me?
This event is LIVE ONLY. This webinar is sponsored by the Global Higher Education division of ETS®