Event Status
April 15 to 18, All Day
Teaching Practice is a teaching improvement technique that involves an instructor delivering a mini-lesson (10-12 minutes) to a small group of peers in order to receive detailed feedback on their teaching effectiveness. It is a great opportunity for instructors to try new teaching strategies in a safe environment.
Event Status
April 23, noon to 1 p.m.
Weekly, informal drop-in virtual chats about accessibility and inclusion in all UT teaching and learning spaces.
Event Status
June 5, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Texas Union (UNB), Quadrangle Room
During this orientation, you will learn about postdoc-specific policies, benefits, and resources available to enhance your UT Austin experience as well interact with key university stakeholders. The afternoon will focus on the mentoring experience and creating an individual development plan.